Monday, February 16, 2009

Heart Day

I had a wonderful Valentine's Day thanks to my sweet husband. He started the day with breakfast in bed which consisted of fresh fruit, juice, and a yummy breakfast sandwich. Then we got up and got ready, delivered valentines to the kids, and then hit the stores for some light shopping. Then we went to an early dinner (to avoid the crowds) at Tokyo Sushi. Some of the best sushi I've had! It was recommended to us and now we will recommend it. It was so yummy!! We still had some time before our movie so we found a bookstore and hung out there for about an hour. Then we watched "Coraline" in 3-D. So awesome! We finished the night with some yummy hot chocolate and book browsing at Borders. The day was fabulous! :)

Yesterday, after church, we went to see our new niece JaneRuth. She's Thom and JoyBeth's new little girl. She was cute. And fussy. Poor thing. I think her tummy wasn't feeling too good. :( We stayed there for a bit and then headed to Jancy and Drew's place for a delicious dinner and wonderful conversation. I had a blast!! I'm excited to hang with them again.

Today I woke up, played with the kids, fell asleep, made lunch, and cleaned my house. Its been a busy day. I'm still working on my 'wreck' room, but its getting a lot closer! Hopefully I'll get it all organized this week! I'll be up at my parent's this next weekend so my goal is to have it done before I go! Go me!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Taking a Class

Isaac and I started a financial class together tonight. It done by Dave Ramsey and since I'm an employee, I get a nice discount. Go Zion's Bank! I'm looking forward to learning how to save more and spend less. Now I don't think I'm bad with money... in fact I would say I'm pretty good... but I want to be better! After our first class I'm totally pumped! It's gonna be a good thing. I even invited Holly/Richard to join us and Holly said she'll come! Richard can't cuz he has class, but she'll keep him caught up. :)

Well, that's the second most exciting thing that has happened this last week. I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day this weekend. Got some exciting things planned! What are some of your Valentine plans??

Thursday, February 5, 2009

More Writing and Less Busy

Yeah right! But I'll do my best.

This last weekend was Isabel's birthday and we had a family party for her. Mom, Corbett, Ben, and Grandma came down from Idaho and the Pike's came up too! And of course Richard and Hollie were here! It was fun for us to be together!

After the party, we went to the Draper Temple Open House.... all 35 of us. We met up with Rollin and family and Ryan/Kali/Seth/Breanna. It was funny cuz all of us showed up at the right parking lot at the same time. It was a miracle! We were waiting for a bit, but the temple was gorgeous!

The next day we went to my cousin's baptism that was followed by some good eating with great people. We finished the night at my house playing games and devouring good food. Something we love to do! We played the game Kenny and April got us for Christmas called "Arkham Horror." It looked kinda complicated due to the many pieces, but it was really fun! Even Hollie like it. It only took us 5 hours to finish one game! I think it will be even more fun the next time we play it since we won't have to constantly checking the rule book...

Sunday was pretty mellow. We went to church and I introduced my wonderful mother to our primary since I was conducting. :) After church, Isaac and I had some food and then we vegged the rest of the day. We got a few episodes of Buffy in and enjoyed the glorious brain numbing effect it had on us.

Not much has happened this week. I got tired of returning shelves to Walmart due to my stupid closet not being built straight so I went to Lowe's and got stuff to do it myself! I'm still in the middle of constructin them, but so far they look great and will work better than any other shelf I could have bought! And it only cost me $7 more than what I paid for some really lousy shelves... Go me! One of these days I'll finish my shelves and get my "wreck" room organized... Its my goal for the month!

So does anyone else have any goals this month??