Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Perk

One of my favorite perks (there are many!) about being a sister to a writer is I get to read things early. After waiting a good two years, I finally got to read the complete story of "Life After Theft" this last week. It was fantastic!! I read it in one day and then had to call and gush with Aprilynne about how awesome it is! I can't wait to actually see it in print cuz I know she'll sell it! Anyways... I would apologize for gushing about a book no one else gets to read... but I'm not sorry!! Good job, again, Aprilynne!!


Andi said... I'm intrigued with no where to take it! You mean I have to wait again? Okay.

trinathegranny said...

yea, you blogged! so it really is good? whoopeeee. i can't wait to read it.

Aqui Wolfe said...

Lucky! I'm gonna go sit in a corner and sulk now.... ;}=