Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Times!

So, last week I got a pass to my local recreation center so I could go walking. I need an "out" and I need the boost that regular exercise will bring. I went Mon-Fri and didn't try to kill myself the first week. I tend to injure myself if I do. I had the regular soreness that accompanies the first week of walking, but nothing too discouraging. I'm ready to do it again this week! This week I'll pick up a few more jogging laps to make it more of a workout. :) Yay!
Well, this weekend we hit the Provo area on Saturday. We visited Isaac's brother and family. He made us a delicious turkey lunch and Joybeth showed me her first sewing project! She made an apron and did a fabulous job! I think its so cool that she's picking up sewing. Jacob and Isabel had fun playing with Ethan's toys.
Next, we stopped and Brandon and Emily Sanderson's to drop of a few things. We didn't stay long but it was fun to visit for a little bit and get to see Joel. He's so cute!
We ended up Christie and Shawn Boyles house last. Isaac and Shawn worked on RRT, the kids played, and Christie made us heavenly potato chowder in homemade bread bowls. It was DELICIOUS!! Every time we go over there Christie is cooking up something wonderful. She's a great cook! After dinner, we played some really fun games where it was decided that Isaac knows almost nothing about me. LOL!! It was pretty fun! We also learned a new card game that is really fun! I can't wait to play it again!
Sunday was pretty typical except Isabel and I stayed home due to her dry heaving in the middle of the night and her complaining that her stomach hurt. She took a nap and was obviously feeling better afterwards. Jacob and Isabel spent a lot of the night making up silly dances to music. It was fun to watch! They play so well together. :) Isaac and I had fun playing on his computer designing us a new kitchen. We figured out a rough estimate of how much it would cost and now we know how much we need to save. It actually wasn't too bad! We also discussed some of the other things we want to do to our house to make it more "our home". I'm excited to see the changes as the year progresses...
Also, on Sunday, Joybeth had her baby! Congrats to them! :)
Well, this week is Isabel's birthday so we'll be planning and looking forward to that on Friday. She's gonna be 6!! My how time flies.... So, I'm curious what your favorite 'Isabel Story' is... please tell!!


Isaac said...

It seems like it didn't get many right when it came to Shawn and Christi either. Maybe I'm just bad at that game...

One of my favorite Isabelisms:

"Mandarin Peaches"--peaches in juice

Andi said...

Too many memories.....The time where we took that trip to Idaho and Isabel fell asleep eating, literally in the middle of a bite. Her balancing on Nick's hand when she was like 9 mo old.
I will never forget how close in size she was to Teilee when Teilee was a newborn and she was 5 mo. She was such a binki thief when they were little. And she is so fearless. Do you remember the time you found her eating pieces of a broken light bulb. Fortunately you caught her in time. How about the spinning of Isabel in her PJ's on our wood floors. She spun sooo fast and loved it! Okay now I am in tears.

My favorite was discovering the three kiddos in your bathroom in Queen Creek where they had completely unrolled an entire roll of TP. Isabel was laughing hysterically as Teilee was throwing the paper into the air and stomping on it.
Okay I change my mind, my favorite was Isabel and Nick dancing at your reception. I can't wait for a new favorite. When do we get to see you all again?
I can't believe she will be six! Happy Birthday Isabel!

trinathegranny said...

at my house this summer, isabel was ready to go out the open back door. she backed up, put both arms in the air and put her leg up and announced: Super Isabel! and then ran out the door.

Christi said...


Miranda said...

I still remember Isabel when she was so tiny and you came up to my parents house in AZ. She was sitting in the middle of the table with her beautiful big eyes, and was clapping, and was just so sweet. She is such a doll! Happy Birthday Isabel! BTW... I have a thank you card for you and we need to do a girls night!

trinathegranny said...

Hey, more writing and less being busy!