Monday, October 6, 2008

Fun and Stress

What a weekend! I had family and friends over and we partied till we dropped! We celebrated my dad's birthday.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! And we are just going to do it all again next weekend due to it being my son's birthday this coming Saturday. Good times ahead!

Well, I had such a busy weekend that I didn't get a chance to write about the book I finished reading. It is called "Gone" by Michael Grant. I really enjoyed it!! It is about how all the kids in a small town cope with having everyone 15 and older suddenly disappear. And some of them left, have super-powers. Very cool. I loved the characters and I think the author did a great job at guessing how these kids would react and manage themselves under these extreme circumstances. He put some great twists in there that really made this story unique. Anyways.... I highly recommend it!

I've been trying to not get stressed out about my potentially gorgeous yard. It's very over grown and there's a lot of work that needs to be done and I just don't seem to have a lot of time to do it. *Big Sigh* Luckily, my mom has been helping me see how I can do little things to slowly get it to where I want it and she has helped me to have a "vision" of what I want my yard to look like. That has helped a lot! Its hard to plan steps to get somewhere when you don't know where you're going! So, I now have a plan, and hopefully in a year or so, most of the plan will be accomplished! I took some pics so I can do before and after comparisons. As soon as I learn how to post pics on this blog, I'll post them.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Happy Belated Birthday D, Happy early birthday J! I can not wait to see what you do with that gorgeous back yard!