Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am officially halfway done with cleaning my garden out! Go me! I'm hoping to get the other half done before the snow sticks... *big sigh* As soon as its all done I will post a before and after picture of my garden. :) And then next year I'll post more "after" pics as I plant and harvest goods in my garden! Yay! I'm actually really excited about it!

So, that was pretty much all I wanted to say. I got some good thinking done while working in the garden. I have to write a talk tomorrow and now I actually have some things to talk about. :) Gotta love a garden to work in to help clear the mind and generate ideas! Yippee!

Okay, I'm done now..... :)


Christi said...

Andi said...

People always laugh when I tell them I love mowing, raking, shoveling, gardening. They don't understand how much quiet alone time I get when I do it! Lots of great thinking time!! Congrats on getting all of that work done!