Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Month

So yesterday was our one month anniversary... I admit I didn't realize it until my sweet husband came home with flowers and a book! He really know the way to my heart! :) He bought me the 4th "Leven Thumps" book which just came out. I put it on my to read shelf since I'm still in the middle of "Brisingr". We went out for a nice dinner, hit the bookstore, and just had a nice evening chatting and hanging out. I really enjoyed it. :)

Tonight, Isaac and I went down to the BYU Bookstore to join Brandon Sanderson at his book signing. He just released the third and final book in his "Mistborn" series. A series I highly recommend! I'm excited to finish reading them. Anyways, Isaac did all the maps and symbols for this series so he signs the maps when Brandon signs the book. The fans really like having the artist sign their book too! I had a good time chatting with a few people and then getting kidnapped by my wonderful friend Kali for a tour of her new home and delicious Taco Soup (I LOVE Taco Soup!) It was a fun night for me and I know Isaac really enjoyed himself too.

Well, I'm off too sleep. Both of us are fighting colds... mine is losing... I hope!!


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! sounds like fun. I hope your cold gets better.

Aqui Wolfe said...

Haha, you two are such nerds! Happy anniversary!

Andi said...

Happy 1 month!!